A Restless Age: How Saint Augustine Helps You Make Sense of Your Twenties


Do your twenties feel restless? You’re not the first young adult to feel this way. 

Saint Augustine describes the same struggle in his Confessions, the most-read spiritual memoir in history. He experimented with different religious options, tried to break destructive habits, struggled to find the right friends, experienced a devastating breakup, and nearly burned out in his career—all before his thirty-second birthday. He spent his twenties looking for rest in all the wrong places.

 In A Restless Age, Austin Gohn wades through Augustine’s Confessions to show us how the five searches of young adulthood—answers, habits, belonging, love, and work—are actually searches for rest. “Our heart is restless,” Augustine writes, “until it finds rest in you.” Most of us spend our twenties looking for rest, but God is inviting you to spend your twenties living from rest.

This is a wonderful book. Austin Gohn "gets" Augustine and then gives Augustine to the twenty-something wondering why life hasn't turned out as expected. A Restless Age is rich in biblical insight, perceptive in cultural analysis, and grounded in truth that goes much deeper than today's headlines. 

- Trevin Wax, Director for Bibles and Reference at LifeWay Christian Resources, author of This Is Our Time: Everyday Myths in Light of the Gospel

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