Gospel-Centered Discipleship

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A Sturdy Gospel Perspective for Those with Loved Ones in QAnon

If you’ve not yet heard of QAnon, you undoubtedly have come across their conspiracy theories in your Facebook feed. In short, QAnon is a far-right movement of people who have placed their hope in former President Donald Trump, believing he will lift the veil on a secret “pedophile ring,” exposing the corruption of the democrats and bringing them to justice. While it may be easy to write off these stories, there is a threat for Christians that lies in the core of this group. Their ideology, which exhibits cultish beliefs, raises a major red flag. Like the gnostics, they claim secret knowledge and that only those who’ve “done their own research” have been enlightened to the truth.

There are quite a few troubling characteristics of QAnon. From a Christian perspective, one of the main concerns is their use of God’s name and Word in their propaganda. They claim verses from Revelation and Old Testament prophets like Ezekiel, declaring there are hidden truths about America’s destiny and President Trump’s victory. Their encouragement of violence for the cause is appalling. And Christians are being swept up into it. They might be your friends, your family members, or people in your church.

Many of us see the dangers and pitfalls of this movement as we watch our loved ones falling prey to its every lie. Our hearts break as we witness them slipping further away from reality, taking others with them. It saddens us to see this become their gospel, and we long for them to place their hope in Jesus alone. We worry for their souls, for their safety, and for the name of Christ.

It’s easy to become so burdened by these worries that we lose our gospel perspective.

Jesus Is the Savior

Though we desperately want those we love to turn away from false beliefs and turn to Christ, it’s helpful to remember we are not their Savior. We can’t open the eyes of the blind—only the Holy Spirit can (Titus 3:5).

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8 ESV)

Maybe you’ve shared the gospel with him, prayed for him, and yet, your unbelieving family member now seems so far into this cult you fear he’ll never see the truth. Or maybe it’s your friend from middle school. You were faithful to share the truth from God’s Word with her in every opportunity, but now she seems further away from the gospel than ever before.

What is the hope for our unbelieving loved ones immersed in QAnon? It’s the same hope we’ve always had: Jesus Christ, the only one who saves sinners from their sin.

I’m often reminded of how the Lord chased me down and plucked me out of what had become my god—the arms of a lover. I was like Gomer, Hosea’s wife, immersing myself in the sin that would kill me. I had made the affection of men my idol, running to them as if they would save me (Hos. 2:5–20). Yet, it was within the sorrow of that very entanglement that God chose to reveal himself to me, calling me to repentance. Sometimes, he uses the sins we chase to show us our need for salvation and to draw us to himself. Maybe he’ll do this for our unbelieving friends and family involved in QAnon.

Our call hasn’t changed. Let us continue to speak the truth in love, pray for their souls, and share the gospel whenever we can. But we must remember we are not the ones who can tear away the scales from their eyes and save them. This should bring us comfort as we seek to trust in the plans of our holy and sovereign God.

Jesus Is the Keeper

Possibly more concerning than our unbelieving loved ones is the knowledge of our fellow Christians dabbling in QAnon. Some of them may not even realize the false messages they’re engaging with on social media are rooted in this movement. We feel confused over their lack of discernment and heartbroken that some of them even partake in calling for violence. We’re disheartened by their zeal over the conspiracies of Q rather than zeal for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

While Scripture doesn’t promise that Christians will never be deceived (including you and me), there are truths to encourage us as we think about our brothers and sisters being pulled into this movement.

One of the most encouraging truths in the Bible is that God will finish the work he’s started in us. This includes every single believer walking the earth.

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Phil. 1:6 ESV)

In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul declares this regarding our sanctification: “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” (v. 24). What a gift. And what a needed reminder for those of us worried for the Christians around us who are being deceived. God isn’t finished with his work. He’s still working in the heart of every believer, shaping them to look more like Jesus every day.

The Spirit is our guarantee! He has sealed us for the day of redemption (2 Cor. 1:22; Eph. 4:30). The Son will lose none that the Father gives him (John 6:37). Jesus is our Keeper, keeping us safe in him by the power of the Holy Spirit living inside us. And he’s our brother’s Keeper too. We can trust that if our loved one is truly a believer, God will keep them until the end.

Replace Frustration with Trust in God

It’s easy to fret about these things or even find ourselves frustrated and responding harshly toward those we love who are in QAnon. I know from experience, sadly. But I’m learning my frustration comes not solely from concern for my friends and family but also from a lack of trust in the Lord’s providence in their lives. We must learn to be patient (not a natural character trait of mine, if I’m honest) and to be Spirit-led in our interactions rather than harshly confronting them in frustration.

To be Spirit-led means to be prayerful as we converse with them, asking God to direct our words, keep us from sinful anger, and give us the wisdom we need to point to the truth. It’s also asking God to beckon us to speak when necessary and to quiet our hearts when words are better left unspoken.

This leads to another necessary reminder: the need for humility in our interactions. If we find ourselves looking down on others for their belief in these ideologies and conspiracies, Scripture commands us to repent. Humility calls us back to the truth that if not for God’s grace, we might be plunging headfirst into QAnon and other false teachings. We should desire that our friends and family grow in discernment, but we must never forget that any discernment we may have is a gift from God.

These are weird and uncertain days. I’m thankful that one day, all of our blinders—both ours and everyone else’s—will be taken off at the sight of our Lord. Then, we will worship together in perfect communion with all the saints. Gone will be all heresies, conspiracies, and sin. This is a truth that encourages us in the confusion of this world.

QAnon has already moved on to their next conspiracy and will create many more after that, I’m sure. Let’s keep a gospel perspective as we seek to share the truth from God’s Word with the people we love who are on this dangerous path.

Jesus saves—and praise the Lord, those he saves, he keeps.

Brittany Allen is a follower of Christ, wife to James, and Momma to three in Heaven. She exists to bring God glory and prays her writing is an avenue for that. She longs to help other women make Jesus their ultimate Treasure. Find her writing on her personal blog as well as Unlocking the Bible, Whole Magazine, Servants of Grace, and a few other Christian websites. You can also follow along on Instagram or Twitter.